History and Evolution of Intranet Software

Intranet software has come a long way over the past twenty years. The recent products provide users with a wide range of variety of functionality to include everything from a centralized document repository to custom forms to social networking tools. Today, the intranets tie up together with different parts of the business and provide an avenue for employees to communicate and share the information quickly and efficiently.

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The early intranets were not so quite well integrated into the organizations that were using them, but their introduction was intended to solve many major complex problems that they use even today to resolve. The idea behind corporate intranet software is to provide companies with the platform to share information between employees. Traditionally, this was done manually with the help of the exchange of physical documents, phone conversations and face to face meetings.

The first Intranets

The very first intranet software solutions were simply static website which allows employees to access information in central location, by using nothing more than web browser. Since the introduction of intranet product over the last 17 years, a huge variety of products have come to market with the goal of providing similar services to businesses.

Evolutions to web portals

The intranet software products evolved to operate as web portals, that greatly simplifies their installation and management process since the only client software needed was a common web browser. The evolution from client-server to the web-based solution decreases the cost of both i.e. development and implementation of intranet products and will spur their future success in the marketplace.

Intranet software & Web 2.0

Sometime around 2005, the term web 2.0 was popular by Tim O’Reilly in reference to the new type of the website which was created more interactive. Although the term was more of a buzz word than anything else, it did symbolize a marked change from websites which were primarily designed around the retrieval of information to the websites which also allows the users to create, store, retrieve content in one place.

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Intranet software & Social Networking

The most current evolution involves the integration of social features into intranet products and services. The success and popularity of social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn have ushered in a new era of internet software usage that allows users to communicate a wide variety of information both quickly and easily.


In response to the popularity of social networking, intranet products have evolved to include social intranet software features which allow simple communication between employees within the organizations.

Modern Intranet

The intranet softwares have come a long way, over the past two decades. From client-server platforms, comprising with multiple heavyweight applications, to fully interactive lightweight web portals built around customizability and social features. They help employees in working more effectively by allowing temporarily share and communicate information with one another in a simple and highly intuitive manner.


They ensure time is which is not wasted in searching for essential information and that complex business processes and workflow are captured in ways which ensure that they are always followed properly.

For more information regarding the social intranet platform, you can directly reach us at Ointranet.com.

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